Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

^I would like to talk about something taht seemed to annoy some people a while ago.

Today i spent some time playing in offline mode, as I wanted to test the different weapons, when I realized, that for some reason the burstfire funkction seems to do significantly less damage than the normal mode. I am not sure, if that's the way it schould be, but maybe that explains, why some people thought that the zombies would be extremely hard to kill, when version 2.9 was released.

Especially using the AK47, I realized that a tyrant needs arround 5 to 8 schots in normal mode, but about 13 to 16 in burstfire mode. I am not aware, if that's any kind of bug, but maybe that's the reason, why lots of people thought their weapons to be alot less effective.


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