Re: looking for good game developers to develop us an accessible virtual w


1. Sorry to burst your bubble but Aprone's fake suggestion was actually sheer irony. Just look at the part about no loading at all probably being better, among other things. This is just not feasible under your current conditions. You might as well want to consider giving up now, while you still have time, before your inevitable final bitter disappointment becomes even harder than necessary.

2. You said coding the thing yourself is just out of question because you can't code and aren't good at math. Have you even tried it yourself? Have you even tried to pull together a black jack or Guess the number or similar game before dreaming a huge fantasy world that shall forever remain just that, a beautiful but unreal fantasy?

3. If learning to code yourself still is not an option for whatever reason you think is valid, have you actually got anyone yet? Have you got a capable coder who has alraedy proven their skills with something yet?

4. If n ot, and you want to come up with something the scale of Star Citizen, have you perhaps collected the 141 million dollars or a similar amount not even worth mentioning, without telling us?

5. You mentioned Out of Sight Games. Well, they have two developers which both have wast first hand experience with mainstream games, one is a very experienced coder with several different languages and successful, finished projects under his belt, the other is a skilled composer and professional, qualified creative writer, both have a common vision that they have polished for years, they have already spent more than 3 years developing this together in just two people, and even they have kickstarted over 10000 dollars in the end. And look where they stopped, where they had to cut the clear line between unrealistic ambitions and actually achievable goals. What of these do you have?

You're just not going to impress anyone any more with collosal but unreal dreams like these. I really hate to be so harsh, and I know it's not going to be any good anyway, but I really just can't help it, seeing that this is the I don't know how manyth time you've wasted your time with this dream project on the forum, having learned nothing and having made no actual, real, measurable, tangible progress. Just tell us what you actually have besides a cool huge bloated idea and absolutely no clue, no direction, no idea at all as to how to handle it, how to go about actually turning it into reality. This is all just so sad and exhausting. The only thing worth jealousy about this is that you actually have the time to waste on this rather than doing anything better and more sensible.


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