Re: looking for good game developers to develop us an accessible virtual w

hello there again everyone. Well in answer to your questions lukas, and this was advice well taken by the way, I've considered which sorts of crowd funding sites to use whether it be kickstarter or go fund me, and I've begun looking for places that I can get hooked up with developers and speak with them, in fact just this morning I found a site called that puts you in touch with different kinds of developers in nitches such as art, movies, audio and games, and this is just one site. On just the same exact page where I found this site, I saw a facebook group that does just what I'm looking for, hooks you up with game developers. In fact, on the newgrounds site, I've already created an account there, and have posted a brand new topic on the games forum called wanting to build a virtual world, and then I go into detail of the kinds of people I'm looking for, and what we'll be doing to make this all work. I even mentioned that I would direc t them over here so that they could learn about audio games and how they work, so they would know what I'm striving for here. And yes, I have in fact tried coding, and couldn't even get past the extremely basic stuff with the bgt tool kit, much less put together any sort of guess the number game or black jack game. Are you kidding? so that should tell you just where I'm at as far as skill level. Which is why I'm looking for coders. So I hope this helps you to see that even though my own coding language and knowledge is nill, I am in fact looking for ways and means to make this all work. Have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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