Re: Braillemon status update!

Ah yeah speaking to them works fine now.  One bug that's still there that I forgot to mention before is sometimes in a battle, not sure if it's specifically a trainer battle or if it happened in a wild Pokémon battle the first time, the game will lag about two steps behind, or repeat two steps is more accurate.  So like it will already have said yours and the enemy's moves and move on to the end of turn stats but then it'll say them again and often stays that way, so you'll have to arrow to realize when it's the part where you choose fight, item, etc and the move instead of entering until it says to choose because otherwise you'll miss it because the game isn't at the point where it says what will *your pokemon* do when the options are there.  Also because of this things faint twice, ask to switch pokemon for trainer battles twice, etc.  I think the first time it straightened itself out after a while but when it happened on the newest one it crashed afterwards.  Hope that all makes sense.


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