Re: Braillemon status update!

The error report happens in a new window that pops up. It is a window with a text box inside of it with text that can be copied to the clipboard. I'm not sure how accessible it is, but other members have copied the crashes, including people with total blindness. I'll contact one of my buddies tonight on how he does this to try to help you out a bit.

There is no error logging feature anymore which is fairly unfortunate since that was a lot easier... However, this new window will be popped up every time the game encounters an error that fatally crashes the game.

This is a really weird glitch and obtaining that error log will definitely help narrow it down.

Here's a sample log to help you out with it (posted by pelantas)

action number 1
of Key Press Event for <Enter> Key
for object MapDaisy:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get -1.townMaptable(100666, -1)
at gml_Object_MapDaisy_KeyPress_13

The error log tells me exactly where in the code there was the problem, what the problem was, and what object it occured in, as well as any variables involved. So yeah, very helpful and I hope that we can get you on board with getting those copy-pasted soon, since I have not encountered this error.

Can you give me a bit of information regarding where this has happened? Please recount what the trainer that you fought was and where if at all possible. The name of the trainer and the map will be good enough for me locating this. I can't replicated it like I stated which makes tracking this issue quite difficult and I haven't seen anyone else come across this problem.


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