Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect


For a long time I continually told developers in conference talks that they should come to these forums to learn about accessibility. I no longer do so, because of you and to a lesser extent JaceK. That is harmful, and it is on your heads. There are developers who now have less information about accessibility and blind gamers as a direct consequence of your actions. Your posts paint a clear picture to any developer reading that blind gamers are not worth their time.

I have told you about things I have seen with my own eyes, as fact. You telling me that you do not believe those things are true, for example "makes what you claim far less believable", is literally calling me a liar.

You think what I'm saying about studios taking CVAA into account is false - here's some evidence for you, a post made today by Ubisoft's accessibility lead, telling other developers that they cannot downplay the importance of CVAA. … 7755865089

See the end of this reply for concrete examples of big companies who have already been considering CVAA.

Ethin wrote:

Can you disprove my claim that it is a bullying tactic

Yes. The list of requirements opens with "as far as is achievable", which itself is defined as "within reasonable effort and expense", reasonable including a balance of how much work it would be and how much that would technically and financially impact the product and your company. Therefore the legislation has built in protection for indies, companies are not required to implement things they cannot afford.

Also for what it's worth, first amendment simply means the government can't throw in you in jail for what you say. You have no first amendment right to post on, you posting here is a privilege conferred by the admins.


Ah, shame you aren't local. Which country are you in? But no, I'm not going to personally pay all of your expenses to go the USA.

JaceK wrote:

neither you, nor I are there day to day. We do not know what goes on, and what does not go on, in boardroom meetings, in legal meetings with company lawyers, in supplier meetings, et cetera

I've been in those meetings.

JaceK wrote:

It's accessibility or fine

Developers are only required to implement whatever falls within reasonable expense. FCC is not patrolling around looking for people to find, there's a consumer portal that allowed issues to be raised, that kicks off a mediation process to work on getting the issue fixed.

JaceK wrote:

Now we can both speculate till March

I am not speculating. I am telling you as fact that there are companies who are taking CVAA into account. I'm not going to give any more information than that for obvious reasons; you've already explained that you understand NDAs. But the idea that all the big companies are just ignoring it is factually incorrect. No speculation, no assumption, factually incorrect.

You do not have to just take my word for it. You can already see that for yourself. DICE, Creative Assembly and Playground (under the banners of Electronics Arts and Microsoft Studios) already started implementing CVAA functionality ahead of the deadline in Battlefield 5, Halo Wars 2 and Forza Horizon 4.

To you both, skepticism is 100% understandable and reasonable. Saying you'll believe it when you see it is 100% understandable and reasonable. But flatly denying facts is not.

JaceK wrote:

I'm sorry you take my concerns and criticism as 'hating'

Both in this thread and other threads the posts by yourself and ethin - much more so Ethin than yourself, to be fair - add up to a picture of developers being a bunch of scumbags who will do anything they can to wheedle their way out of thinking about accessibility, and that even if they did make an effort that effort would be doomed to fail.

That is not a productive thing for developers who have a burgeoning interest in accessibility to read.

I am not suggesting you dance around with banners proclaiming that everything is wonderful. I am suggesting that your stock response to any news about potential progress should be "lets just wait and see how it pans out" rather than "I know for a fact that will never happen". Just for a few months. That shouldn't be too much to ask. Can you please do that?

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