Re: Sudden attack is not a clone

Thanks post 12 for saying exactly what I had on my mind.
The mindset shown in #3 disgusts me to no end. I'd like to say I hope your final product, after months and months of development and overall back breaking work, gets stolen with no original credit, not even the smallest semblance of recognition and thanks. I'd like to wish such a fate on you, if you only (a) had such a project and (b) could be counted on to put in that sort of dedication. But nah. I was in your place for a time, a short time but a time no less. That was before I really understood and foresaw the crippling effect such actions could have on a tight-knit community such as our own. Sure enough, three and a half years down the rode, sudden death or sudden attack or whatever is released in all it's glory.

The fact that these guys are attempting to say sudden attack was made, by hand, without use of any unauthorized code, is highly laughable and most of all disrespectful. Anyone with resourceful tendencies and a bit of info about tk can pretty much tell without even opening the game. So not only are we dealing with those who couldn't care less about abiding by policy, but those who have no problem telling bold faced lies in order to see that their halfassed and hastily cobbled together excuse for a game receives a bit more light of day. Either one of these reasons alone should keep most folks away, but wishful thinking. Right now, we don't have an FPS. Right now, people want an FPS. As a result, we again see the fact that many here have no problem taking shit on a stick for a lack of anything better.

So Urh. I am truly curious what might have lead you to create this pointless topic.

Was it out of wanting to prove, beyond the shadow of the doubt, that this wonderful new game is all it's supposed to be?

Urh wrote:

Hi, I have tried sudden attack and it is not a clone. I am totaly sure about that.

Nah, doesn't look like it.
In fact, you being "totally sure"... Doesn't say much. See the multi extra topic. You were all too ready to blindly defend the project, even after basically everyone, minus maybe one other, had given reasons why one might not want to support or use products created by this developer. You were sure, even after concrete evidence in the form of code had been presented, all because a someone, baby I think, did a Youtube demo and his computer hadn't blown itself into oblivion. Just so happens I'm having a slight bit of trouble hearing your comprehensive assurance over...

Urh wrote:

Allright, maybe is really a clone, but it is the best clone that I ever hered of.

I'm harshly beating this one to the ground for one reason. When you use the word "total", you elude to complete knowledge of the subject. You elude to the fact that you're able to dispute, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that what you say is true. You obviously haven't done that. In fact you've done nothing to bring us any closer to the truth of your claim. So as a result, not only are you spreading false information, but your credibility slides down a couple more notches which isn't good for anyone. A better solution would have been to create a topic with a title like:
Why do we think sudden attack isn't a clone?
I believe sudden attack might not be a clone.
Either way, if you hold and voice such a firm statement, you had better be ready to defend it with evidence.

I disagree. Python is literally nothing in comparison with C/C++ and even most other high level languages. All it takes is a bit of searching. A simple, python environment setup, could do the trick. Many programs, even at a middle/high school level, have classes that help with this. Sure, idle isn't accessible, but that's where you phone a friend or check the  forum. People are lazy, made even lazier when they started with a CHM to deliver everything they'll ever need to get started.

amerikranian wrote:

Also, a strong factor that encourages the use of the blastbay game toolkit is the number of open source projects it has. Other, more mainstream languages, do not have so many examples floating around.

I'm struggling to figure out what you mean. Github has millions of python projects from which to hit the ground running. Sure, they might not all be games. But that's where you find libraries that provide what you'd like. Windowing and sound for example. Besides, as Sam stated in 19, there currently isn't an authorized open source online boilerplate. Even if there was, you better believe nobody would use it since they want something simple, quick, hot and ready.

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