Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Jade, do you hear yourself? You're talking about 1918, and while that was terrible, I'm talking about 2020. I am well aware of what happened in 1918, more so than what they teach our kids about it in schools now since many textbooks don't really mention much about it which is why it is commonly known as the forgotten pandemic. Oh, and while I may hold a right-wing position, I don't value corporation. In fact, I value small businesses over most corporations. However, that's not what we're talking about just now.
I am not ignoring science either. I might be ignoring your version of it, but I am not ignoring science, and am, in fact, basing all decisions that I make on science.and, no one else puts there lives on hold for me, I don't want them to do so either as I have no right to expect that. Thus, I won't put my life on hold for the rest of society based on a small number of deaths in terms of its percentage. You say I don't argue the facts, and you hold to that like its a lifeline for you. Truth is that I do base my every decision on facts, and you know what, I and those around me are still alive. I am choosing to use my right of thinking for myself. I know how to stay safe, and I know how to keep other safe while I am at it. If someone gets this virus, there are literally hundreds of thousands of others who could have given it to that person.
I am, at this very moment, listening to an interview with a woman who is in a nursing home, is not sickly at all, and has not been permitted to go out since March. Nursing homes like this won't even let family visitors, masked though they would be, visit their loved ones. This lady wants to go visit her daughter, but is also told that she would have to stay there until this is all over, when ever that is. Afterwords, she could come back. Her husband also lives there, and this would mean she would be apart from him. They are, in essence, making her choose between her husband and her daughter over this virus that you, and so many others, are worried about. She is, like many others out there, a prisoner in all senses of the word. Physically, she is fine. However, she, like so many of the other residents in places like this, have no activities, no visitors except through a glass window, and no idea of when things are going to end because the owners follow the rules of the state governments. This is why I am telling you, in truth, that this thing is going to result in deaths that will be way more tragic than the COVID-19 deaths. That is the reality of it. So, in the name of a virus that doesn't pose a major threat scientifically speaking, you're welcoming in a prison state with no idea of when it might end. So, yes I do know what I am talking about. You don't agree with it, and I get that.

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