Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Bookrage, you can't make money forcing people to do anything they do not feel they should be required to do. That's taking decision power out of the individual, and basically forcing them to conform or not be served. That's segregation, and behavior that becomes someone of the Nazi mindset and doctrine. It is also a very good way for businesses to loose money because they ultimately do not have any constitutional authority to put that in place.
You may say that wearing a mask does not decrease what you can do in a business, but in fact it can and does depending on said business. Again, it all comes down to the individual. You can't take the right to decide away from the individual. That's why I say that if someone wants to wear one then they should do so if that is what makes them feel safe. It is up to you, no one else. You're an adult and can make that choice for yourself. It is a scientifically known fact that masks do not eliminate the spreading of this, or any, virus. If you're sick, then wear one by all means. I am healthy, so I will not. That's my choice. No one close to me has yet been infected, but I have prepared myself for the possibility of that occurring. And yes, if that person I know is infected, it would still be only a part of a small percentage of the overall population. I will not be made to put everything on hold for that as the risk of such a thing can be true with much more than just this virus. Showing common courtesy is a two-way street. When someone makes me feel that I have to do it and I have no choice, then I will not because I simply will not be made to do something against my will like that. Again, if I made them wear a blind-fold, would they do it just to make me feel better, like they understand what it is like to be me? No, I wouldn't because I have too much respect for other people to make them do that. Yes, someone's going to say that has nothing to do with this. I used it to demonstrate a principle, hold your fire. If I'm selfish for deciding not to wear the stupid mask, then what does that make you who accuse me of being selfish. Sounds like we have, yet again, a double-standard here. That's an argument that is very becoming of a socialist. You might not be one, but I'm saying that is the logic they would follow. If you are making me feel like I have to do this, then you're as selfish as you make me out to be, and there's no way around it. If you want to live in fear of something you may, or may not ever catch, and something you may, or may not, ever spread then do it. That's your right to make that choice. I won't be selfish and keep you from making that choice. If you, or anyone else, wants to guilt-trip or force me into wearing this mask, then I'd say I'm not the one who is being selfish. I'm merely trying to inform people by providing information that they might not have, and am not going to make you do anything, so if what I'm doing is selfish then maybe you conformists need to look in the mirror a bit more closely before you go jumping to more conclusions that you're being programmed with. Remember, I will inform you of things, but I will not make you do anything as what you do with it is none of my business.

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