Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

well, you said above that running at 100% capacity and such is "making a living."

1. you can still make money requiring masks, in fact, keeping a workforce and consumer base healthy does a lot to foster money-making.
2. wearing a mask does not decrease what you can do in a business, but it does decrease the spread of the virus. As I said, it's a real unbalanced thing on possible downsides with inconvenience on one side and possible death and prolonging of the pandemic on the other if masks aren't worn.

also, it isn't just a small percentage if it's someone you know that gets infected is it? I bet if it was a family member who got the virus from being around someone who wasn't wearing a mask, those numbers aren't quite as cold and distant.

Remember, when you look at just the numbers, you are callously ignoring all those who are in that category, and 130k, or less if we are going to question the reporting, but even with your numbers it is still significant.

It isn't putting your life on hold dude for you wearing a mask, it is showing common courtesy and decent concern for others and not being a selfish entitled person which is why America is doing so much worse than most of the rest of the world because there are too many selfish people who are worried about foggy glasses and a little humidity and heat on their faces more than hurting other poeple.

It's really disgusting really.

and anyway, you haven't denied that masks help stop the spread of the virus to an extent, so there is no justification other than selfishness for not wearing one unless you have some sort of health condition that means you can't wear one personally.

You are saying you will not take a basic step to protect people with the only justification you have given is it is uncomfortable and you don't want to. That shows a solid and rather disturbing lack of consideration for the safety of others.

If you believed that masks didn't work at all, I could get it, but you haven't said that and you have admitted that they work.

and it's not even a big deal for you really. I have a freaking traichiotomy so I have to wear not only a mask but a scarf as well when I go out, even though it is in the 90s where I am. so stop your darn wining and suck it up.

yes, whether masks are used or not, the pandemic will pass, but how many die before it does is going to really be determined by how safe we are aand how much we look to protect one another. If we use masks and social distancing, the pandemic will end faster and with fewer deaths and will also pop up in smaller clusters when it re-emerges (which it will as a carona virus as there are other kinds of this virus that have come out before) but if we do not take steps, the pandemic outbreak will be with us longer and more will die, both from a higher infection rate and from the longer duration of the outbreak. If you are eager to get back to normal, you should really do what you can in your own way to keep it from spreading, then the infection will die out faster and you'll be able to get back to your life in a more normal way faster.

Even if you want to "live your life" you really have your best interest served in the long term by putting up with masks and social distancing now.

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