Re: Let's discuss

Blue-eyed demon, two things:

First, to your talk of socialism:
In its purer form, you won't have especially poor or rich people. Everyone gets their needs met. This idea of rich and poor cease to have most of their meaning. Do you actually have evidence backing up what you say, or are you just here to rant about the evils of a system you don't even comprehend?

Next, to ACB and how you're trying to demonize my response:
Here's a challenge for you. Get your mental gymnastic skills ready. Tell me how this nomination is fair. Mitch McConnell and other republicans stated in 2016 that Barack Obama, with nine months till the election of the next president, should not be allowed to nominate a new justice of the supreme court, and that was an end to it. Now, four years later, with less than a month and a half till the election, Donald Trump was allowed to nominate a new justice, and have it rammed through in haste, ostensibly because the republicans knew they have a very good chance at losing power.
If you've ever heard the _expression_ "what goes for the goose goes for the gander", you'll see where I'm going with this, and why you're thoroughly screwed if you actually try defending this. If you assert that the ACB nomination is fair, then you must also assert that the republicans barring Obama from nominating a justice in 2016, with almost a year left in his second term, was wrong.

But here's the fun part. You actually missed the point.
When I made my ACB comment, I wasn't actually going in the direction you think I was. I brought it up because approximately 75% of Americans asked stated that they don't think this action is appropriate during an election cycle. Almost 70% of Americans asked think that ACB's failure to identify the full first amendment (she missed the right to protest, is that a surprise to anybody?) should have disqualified her from sitting in the highest court in the land. And yet, knowing all of this, being well aware that they're embroiled in an election, the republicans went ahead and consolidated their grip on power while they still could. What alternate reality do you live in where this constitutes democracy working in the way that it should?

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