Re: Let's discuss

I love food, water, and education. The problem is, who's food, water and education am I getting?
The movement to go organic, grass fed, and free-range is really taking off here in the U.S, and if it is all provided by the state, who knows what they are putting in it. I'm looking at you Monsanto.
Regarding water, well, the same premise goes. What are they putting in the water? Such as this article
And of course, education. who is teaching me what? Even now, there is a large argument this election about school choice. One side claims that competition with the public school system will provide a better learning environment for everyone. The other wants the public school system to be the only way to educate students. I know from having a degree in education that the curriculums are tightly controlled already at the state and federal levels, propaganda anyone? Also, assessing via standardized tests. Not every student is the same, not every school is the same, and why they try to make everyone a cookie cutter achiever is beyond me. Still, once you tie a school's or a teacher's success to that one multiple choice test, they of course, teach you to test, and not really anything useful. IN my opinion, they should teach you to read, write, do basic algebra and geometry, and life skills, like changing a tire or money management. Concurrently, they should be teaching you the skills to succeed at self-education. Then let you explore your interests. Why even high school juniors or seniors are required to take so many courses is beyond me, much less general education courses in colleges. I think that if emphasis was put on the core skills one needs to succeed, and given the tools to help them learn, they should be able to take classes which align with their interests, which, of course, may change over time.
Interesting note, this article gives an example of a modern reading list verses one from a school from the 1900's.

In essence, in theory, provided the people running the thing have the best interests in mind of the population as a whole, great, but sadly, human nature is both greedy for power, and resistant to change, and once someone has more power over someone else, they are reluctant to give it up.

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