Re: Muds

Well one thing I like about alter is indeed the fact your not limited on classes, indeed when i started I went clerric warrior theif Necro, then decided I liked necromancer more than thief so actually switched the order around, this also means there always is more to advance and try out which I do like. I also like the fact that both grouping and pvp are optional, not necessary, sinse I tried cooperative grouping with other players and wasn't keen on being constantly dragged around and having to keep up with real time combat events when I personally prefer to just pace my movement and exploration and look around and try stuff as I go, (the review corpse command is a great thing for this sinse it means you always get an enemy's description even after they're dead).

For where to go for experience, one nice thing about Alteraeon is it rewards you for exploring new areas with exploration you use the "nearby" command you will be able to see relative area levels, though note this is based on your highest primary class level not your total level, ---- indeed in alter it's usual to talk of characters based on their primary level rather than total level, for example my character is currently total level 77 or so, though for practical purposes, such as working out what areas to go to he's level 27.

My one issue with alter is that after the islands of slo and Cordan were both fantastic with always giving you new places to go and things to do as you level, things on arkase really slow down, the quests and new areas are wonderful to explore but once they're done  things can get overly grindy and I confess I got a little sick of running through the same areas again just slaughtering things sinse I wasn't high enough level to go anywhere else, though things are evening out there as Arkase gets expanded with new areas and I suspect once I get to the mainland there will be more than enough places to go.

I&# 039;d actually love to see some random wilderness or randomly generating quests in Alter to just give you something else to do when not questing and unable to go to new areas to keep things interesting on the exploration front.

I will go back to alter in the future though, sinse i've had lots of fun there and likely will continue to do so and I do look forward to exploring some of the nastier places listed on the mainland.

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