Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

Kind of.  It is important to understand that science has actually changed very rapidly in the last 100 years.  I'm not arguing with you: we have similar opinions.  But it will help you to understand the other side of this if you look at for example Aristotelian philosophy, or the fact that Newton was an alchemist--and, more important, that in those places, at those times, that was the equivalent of atheism and blasphemy.

The big bang having evidence has only been (I think) the last 60 years; evolution on short time scales has only really been something we could look into well after DNA sequencing.  I think there is going to be an uptick in agnosticism soon.  You can see it in Seattle, where instead of a god you get a bunch of people who believe in astrology and a bunch of stuff where there isn't a higher power, just this collection of personally meaningful stuff.  But it's not time for that yet, if that makes sense.  The truth of the matter is that in just the last 30 years we've gone from the position  of having a ton of stuff that was a big black box that we could just say "the soul" or "evolution doesn't make sense" to "here's evolution affecting your covid vaccines" and "let's build artificial minds".  You can't arguepeople into atheism.  You really, really can't.  But I'll be surprised if Christianity or any other religion that uses a singular higher power that actively participates in the world is nearly so dominant by 2050.  There are a lot of things bleeding power off religions right now.

I'll bite.  Harry Potter is around the size of the bible.  Lord of the Rings is around the size of the bible.  The Wheel of Time series is something like 20 or 30 times the size of the bible.  Discworld (the whole series) is even more than that.  Basically any author who writes a trilogy has written more than is in the bible.  Any cult leader typically goes off and writes a bible (for a really creepy one see scientology, but at your age maybe don't if you want to sleep well at night--they do a lot of very creepy stuff that does actually happen, like successfully infiltrate the IRS).

With all due respect, while you're free to have your opinions, you're only 14 or so.  I'd wait until you're older to get involved in these arguments.  At the moment you're not equipped to participate, other than to throw your emotions out.  For one thing many serious Christians no longer dispute the big bang and evolution, as one example.  And to be honest "no one writes a book that big for fun" is kind of not a good look being as you're basically saying that every popular adult author doesn't exist.

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