Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@72, the huge problem with proving that anything exists after death is the fact that there's no way of actually testing such a hypothesis. Well, there is: the scientific method, sort of. The problem is that there are ethical implications. It is unethical to study what comes after death because people would need to kill a lot of people, something no one is going to stand for in the scientific community. All the various sub-communities fo the overall scientific community (psychology, biology, &c.) have these ethical boundaries that you just don't cross, and murdering someone in the name of science crosses pretty much all of them. You might -- the key word being might -- be able to gather a lot of data, but no one would be willing to publish or accept your data because of how unethical your experiments would be.
As for scientists refusing to accept nonphysical phenomena, this very much depends on the entity your referring to. If it in some way violates a mathematical or scientific law, its much harder to prove.

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