Re: to blind new agers

@Afrim, I'm a little confused what you mean about biases against countries and racial hatred or what your point is regarding Kosovo, indeed the fact that such awful things were going on in Kosovo (a fact I remember myself sinse with the British army doing relief work over there we heard a lot about the various massacres etc), and yet this teacher of yours didn't see any evidence at the time should tell you how easy it is for the controlling government of a country to cover up nasty activities.

The evidence for the holocaust is not some sort of rumour, it is not a set of news paper reports, it is a massive collection of different things from the accounts of people who were really there (some of whom as I said I have had the privilige to meet), as well as even the testimonies of some guards, to clear evidence of the nazi government's activities, to the physical evidence of the camps themselves which came to light during the end of the second world war and the re treat of the Nazi forces, it is likely that indeed had the war continued or had some sort of accord been reached whereby the Nazis were allowed to keep most of the teretory they controlled, the full extent of the horrors of the holocaust would not have come to light, but obviously that is not how history went.

As to the Protocol of Zion, I think you missunderstand what I've said. I do not disbelieve it's existance, or that it was published in 1903, as I said I went and read bits of it from the links on that wikipedia article. What I disbelieve is that it should be taken at face value, sinse if I evaluate it as a peace of writing I find so many glaring errors and obvious attempts at manipulating the expectations of the reader (remember I have studdied philosophy for years, including studying o nazi propergander  so this sort of evaluation is something I am familiar with. Plus, a lot of similar satyr, both serious and commic was written at the time, depicting vagu e conspiracies and I did find the arguement mentioned on wikipedia which clearly showed a correspondance betwene the protocol and several deliberately fake and purely commic pamphlets very compelling.

Then of course, you can't forget when looking at a historical source such as the Protocol to consider the time in which it was published. In 19th century Russia, there was a huge amount of antisemitic feeling. There had been a number of violent attacks against Jewish communities and in the press of the time specifically racist attacks on jews were common. One Cartoon I remember from a british newspaper for example showed a very thin Jew holding a purse of coins and talking to a chef saying "No pork please, we prefer to save our money for buying votes"

Thus, the idea of Jews as  grasping rich people who were just out for money and power and were said to be behind the government was a very popular idea at the time, indeed it is partly out of such beliefs that the Nazis were able to perpetrate the holocaust.

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