Re: to blind new agers

Hello Blindncool and others,
this is a deep topic. I have a few words on this matter. Some of it might seem like it but I'm not trying to preech.

1. Does truth contredict itself? as you said, the answer is no, no matter what anyone believes. While several points of truth come close to opposing one another, the fact of the matter is they connect in some way--and if there is complete opposition, one or both of those points must be a lie.

2. How, if we are divine, could our mere ignorant self so easily override our divine goodness?
Well let's put it this way. I agree with the poster who said you shouldn't assume devinity means goodness--it certainly doesn't. However, the point of our "mere ignorence" is interesting. This poses this question: if we are ignorent to any part of the world upon which we dwell, if we are ignorent to any part of ourselves, and both seem quite evident among people, then how can we be god of ours elves, let alone the world?
  I've never really heard of this "new age movement," but it definitely has large loopholes, and I'd certainly not fall for it. For Jesus Christ is my lord, and the bible is where I gain my wisdom on these matters.
  Speaking of which, I would like to revisit post 6, and explain some of the kjv verses herein.

Genesis 1.
"26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
  If this contributes to the belief that Humanity is our own god, then a lot of reading needs to be done. We are made in image, but we were not made to be god. God made us, not to be him, but to be in his image, and to tend to the earth. He made us to share his love with. Uss having dominion over earth and everything on it means that we are above it all. However, god never said us to have dominion over god.
Genesis 2.
"7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
  This proves that we depend on god more than it proves that we are god. Eve, then Adam, ate of the tree, and now, there is death all over the world and there has been. There is conflict, evil, death, and distruction. and if Humanity is our own god, then we certainly, are, not, doing, a, good, job of it.

  to the poster who said that Jesus couldn't possibly be the son of God, please let me tell you why I believe Jesus is the son of go d. The bible tells me that. There were many people who asked Jesus, even while he was on the cross, why he wouldn't just save himself. He loves us so much, so so much, that he didn't do that, all so that he could redeem whosoever would believe on him through faith, and give us eternal life. God gives us the free will to love him if we want, to believe if we want, but you can, most certainly tell him a flat out no.
for me, I choose to believe, because that is what I see as truth. There are other religions, other supposed groups and stuff, and people believe what they believe. I will not argue the existance of such factions, as I feel I've clearly expressed my position and that others have expressed theirs. However, this is why I am not a "new ager"

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