Re: to blind new agers

@Afrim, either this is a very complex game, or frankly it's not a game at all and just lots of people with different ideas disagreeing.

It strikes me a lot of these theories about the zionists, or the Iluminati, or the masons or whoever are trying to rule the world in secret are what Karl Poppa would've called unfalsifyable.

Poppa was a philosopher of science in the 1930's, and among various other ieas, one he came up with was a major cryticism of a lot of scientific and psudo scientific theories that applies to pretty much any other claime.

He says in order to be valid, such theories have to be falsifyable, ie, there have to be circumstances under which a theory is able to be proven false. So for instance this "maybe true fact known only to some people" that you mention states that the evil world rulers are trying to scare people into belief in aliens to rely upon the governments. If this was true however, then there would logically b e a way for said governments to supposedly protect people from said aliens, and said governments would claime to do so, after all, something very similar (and quite frightening), happened with government's claimes about being able to protect the population in event of a neuclear war during the cold war period (look up the protect and survive video on youtube, it's really quitie scary).

Governments however do not naturally say "hay here is what to do in event of an alien invasion, so rely on us", neither do those people who believe in the existance of aliens encourage others to go to their country's government for protection (indeed quite the opposite).  Therefore the premise that these secret world rulers are trying to scare up fear of aliens to make people rely upon governments seems to be false, sinse fear of aliens does not make people rely upon governments.

however, instead of abandoning the idea, you say "ah, it's a very com plex game" and still maintain the belief in the existance of this strange world ruler group despite directly contradictory evidence to this "fact"

Plus a "fact some people know" doesn't strike me as a %100 relyable source in the first place, indeed the only relyable source you have provided me on this hole thing is the protocol of Zion, which as I have said I find less than convincing for the above reasons.

Btw,the doctrin of falsificationism has been leveled as a cryticism of religion, and though I do think it is valid of certain religious arguements such as those in favour of creationism, it does rather fall down in the face of direct religious or spiritual experiences, sinse manifestly the proof for those is in the experiences themselves, and of course, there is more than enough bad science and some other problems with the scientific method to mean taking a scientific explanation as absolute truth is wise either, indeed I think the doctr in of falsificationism applies very much to some of the evolutionary  tales of human behaviour and motivation.

This is one reason why, even though I am currently rather agnostic on the idea that God gives a dam about humanity, I am not an atheist, nor support scientism (the worship of science). Indeed it's quite surprising how many philosophers are agnostics including my tutor for whom I have a great deal of respect, sinse  if studdy of philosophy teaches one thing it's knowing how much we don't know and when the rules of logic can be applied to an arguement, (as in the cases of history), and when said logic fails.

This is why while I severely doubt the hole world conspiracy thing, on matters such as the existance of spirits or angels, or personal encounters with devine or even demonic beings I'm not prepared to judge.

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