Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
> The problem I've found, is that whilst CDPs use 'concealment' to conceal
> any errors they detect but cannot correct, ripping s/w doesn't.
> So any ripping errors you do get, tend to be very annoying on playback;
> pops, clicks - that kind of stuff, whereas a good CDP will still sound
> like music.
> A lot depends on the care you have taken with your CD collection
> (looked-after CDs tend to have fewer errors IME), and how much you
> value you peace-of-mind.  I'd hate to sit down to listen to something
> only to find it had ripping errors and I needed to dig the CD out and
> rip it again, so I'd rather just spend the time doing it 'right' in the
> first place. YMMV

My experience has generally been the opposite - I have some beat up CDs
that won't play at all on any CD player, but they sound fine with maybe
some tiny clicks when ripped.

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