If your CDs are in good condition, I wouldn't worry too much about using EAC in secure mode. I've ripped dozens of CDs in good shape with a variety of programs (EAC, Plextools, iTunes and DB PowerAmp) and CD-ROM drives and never found any differences when bit comparing the decoded files with CDs that are good to fair shape. Your mileage may vary, but I trust that any of the programs I listed with a modern CD-ROM drive will do an equally good job if the CDs are not badly scratched, and any errors that might be introduced are likely to be few and pretty much inaudible.

There was a thread on AudioAsylum a few weeks back where one poster listed a few things he did to speed up EAC on his drive. I didn't have any luck with his suggestions, but they may work for you. The thread is at http://www.audioasylum.com/forums/pcaudio/messages/6832.html.

- Ken

Mike Anderson wrote:

OK, well I set up EAC/FLAC on my PC according to all the instructions,
and it seems to be running OK.

However, it's still taking somewhere between 5-10 minutes to rip most
of my CDs.  I've got hundreds of CDs, so it's a major undertaking.

Question:  What am I losing by not running EAC in secure mode?  Doing
so substantially cuts down on the ripping time.  So how much difference
does it really make?

Can I use secure mode on those CDs I really care about (about 20% of
them) and unsecure mode on the rest of them, or would that present

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