Heuer Wrote: 
> Regardless of what the stated power requirements are it is considered
> good practice to double it. So a SB3 needs 1.5amps but to run a 1.5a
> PSU flat out like that will lead to premature failure through component
> stress and the likelyhood that running at the edge of its design spec
> will introduce more mains garbage than you were hoping to cure. You
> need at least a 3amp PSU or, if you have the space, something even
> bigger. 

Are you saying the SB3 needs 1.5a eventhough Slim Devices seem to imply
it only needs 1A on their own web page? Do you work for them, or how do
you "know" this? Maybe it only needs 500mA, and that'w why it lists a
minimum of 1A?

M3Rocket's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2652
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18491

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