ezkcdude Wrote: 
> Mauidan, you caught me! I have never listened listened to a $6000 CD
> player in my system. I haven't even listened to $1000 players or DAC's.
> That's what you wanted to hear me say, right? I'm not sure why that
> makes YOU feel better, but I certainly couldn't care any less. 
> I completely stand by my original statement, which was obviously meant
> to be SUBJECTIVE, and I think it's safe to say most of the other
> posters here knew what I was getting at. Seriously, if there were any
> problem with my statement, it was actually trying to put a real number
> (95%) on my estimate. I don't know what 95% even "means" in terms of
> audio quality. As I've said before, it obviously has nothing to do with
> measurements, or none of us would be discussing it here. ALL these
> criteria that you and every other audiophile use to describe music are
> SUBJECTIVE. Repeat it with me, maudian, SUBJECTIVE. 
> My "guess" was just an assertion that even the best DAC out there most
> likely doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of difference, at least, in
> most real-world systems. Sure, you put together a $100,000, and maybe
> there are noticeable differences. But, is that really the goal here?
> Noticeable? The
> ifisquintmyeyesandleanoverthismuchandtwistmyleftearicandefinitelyhearaslightpeakinthemidbassregion
> audiophiles drive me nuts! And that's all I'm gonna say to you
> maudidan. Take a chill pill, and learn to just enjoy the music!

I've never heard a $6K CDP in my system either.

Once again, I was only interested in what experience you'd had with the
"best" transport/DAC combos out there," to arrived at your guess.
Nothing more.

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