On the contrary, I feel that the SB can exceed the capabilities of many
exalted CDP's - or at least their transports. There are numerous good
engineering reasons why this might theoretically be the case, but at
the end of the day your ears (brain) have to decide.
I know many will scoff at the SB beats Naim/dCS/Esoteric/(insert your
fave transport here) hypothesis, but I've owned and been lucky enough
to borrow many of the "top drawer" transports and I'm personally never
going back...

On modding, I think the linear PSU is a minor improvement to the SB
transport - not earth shattering (but worth doing). I don't feel the
need to spend £'00's on exotic capacitors or digital  transformers -
and bearing in mind I am not using the SB DAC, there's only so much
that can be "modded" on the transport side...

I am so happy with the sound of my system now, I'm spending money on
source material (CD's for ripping) and backup disks and system

For me the two biggest changes I ever made  to my sound
quality/enjoyment were (in order)fully active speakers and room
correction. After that it's all been increasingly thin icing on top of
a very nice cake.

YMMV of course.

Phil Leigh
Phil Leigh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=85
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23948

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