opaqueice wrote:
> OK, in case anyone cares, here's a (hopefully correct) explanation of
> how some components of jitter can be correlated with the frequency
> components of the analogue audio signal.


I'm afraid you are wrong in so many ways.

A digital signal does not have periodicity - it is just a stream of
bits. It is sent over analogue transmission paths as a square wave.

The receiver of the signal decodes the square-wave signal and also
extracts the timing information from the same signal.

As Pat as already pointed out, jitter is caused by errors in detecting
the transition between 1 and 0 in the square wave in the analogue
domain, which causes timing errors. So, the space between samples varies
from the "standard" (for 44.1kHz sample rate)1/1,411,200 of a second.
This means that the analogue signal reconstituted from the digital
signal has different frequency content than the original input signal.


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