Very good points indeed.  Except that, actually, it's quite easy to
measure speakers.  Professional testing software (Liberty Audio Suite
is an industry standard; for Mac users, there's Fuzzmeasure) exists and
is used by speaker designers, reviewers, and home-users (like myself). 
Some honest reviewers, like Robert Greene, will provide measurements
and some information about the room -- which is all-important.  Change
the room, and the measurements go out the window.  Mostly.  Except for
Quads, some line array speakers, and a few others, that always tend to
sound linear and like themselves.   And, even then...equally linear
speakers can have vastly different sounds (dipole, box speaker)But I

Your point is very well taken.  We can tell a great deal indeed from
the numbers resulting from testing electronic components.  The numbers
don't lie.

This is a nice piece -- I wish more people would do this:

opaqueice;143033 Wrote: 
> Bringing up Stereophile's methodology is not a good way to convince a
> skeptic.  They don't do blind testing, they rely on advertising for
> income - therefore the default assumption must be that the reviews are
> biased.  The burden of proof lies on anyone that thinks otherwise.
> It's difficult to measure speakers, since how they sound depends on
> where you put them, and because the frequency response is so far from
> flat it's not clear what's better and what's worse - it becomes a
> matter of personal preference.  For other components, however, I think
> good, thorough measurements are quite adequate as a basis for choice. 
> Early CD players are _not_ a counterexample to this - it was a new
> technology, and it wasn't immediately obvious what to measure (now we
> know it's jitter).  That brief period of adjustment is wrongly taken by
> the faithful as evidence that measurement is never adequate.
> I'd love to see blind test results compared to measurements of, say,
> amplifiers, or better yet interconnects or power cords or speaker
> cables.  I'm willing to bet a large sum that no one can tell the
> difference between wires with the same measured R, L, and C - and yet
> gullible audiophiles spend outrageous sums on such things based on
> meaningless reviews.

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