CardinalFang;143757 Wrote: 
> Well I would have myself a realist up until that point. I love music
> above all else, but I like to know my equipment has been well designed
> and well engineered both visually and sonically. I have bought it all
> after reviewing some basic specifications and getting a feel for the
> quality of the builder then listening to a short-list. I've had quite a
> few systems, but ended up with Copland gear because I like the refined
> look and detailed presentation. I also have a Pink Triangle because of
> the neutral presentation and groovy design - plus I liked the attitude
> of the company.
> Measurement and design are important to me for a number of reasons, but
> aren't the be-all and end-all, as I did rather unsuccessfully try to say
> on the other thread. I do like to know a piece of gear has been
> validated for performance and safety - I have a family and I don't want
> problems with inadequately tested and designed gear. That's why I get
> really nervous about some mods. They are replacing components in
> well-engineered and tested products and not doing anywhere the same
> level of safety or soak testing that a bigger manufacturer would, nor
> do you have the liability insurance should there be a problem. When you
> put on top of that some dodgy theories about how the mods work I start
> to run away.
> Final choice of gear comes after listening to it at home, as it should,
> but it wouldn't get into my home unless I knew from measurements that it
> was likely to be a good fit with the rest of the system. 
> I couldn't bring myslef to buy any high end system if I didn't think it
> gave me more insight into the music through more detail or a more
> realistic sound stage for example. Some of the terminology thrown
> around in reviews really puts me off buying it though. Words like
> "chocolately" really irritate because it's telling me nothing. How
> would I be able to listen for that quality myself if I don't understand
> what the reviewer is saying. I guess that's why I prefer scientific or
> engineering terms, they are generally unambiguous and I can then choose
> whether it's what I'm looking for when judging the inevitable
> compromises in equipment.
> I have applied the same rules to my other pastime - geetars. I have two
> hand built guitars, a John Suhr and an Sheppard acoustic (a little known
> British builder). I actually bought the Suhr without ever playing it - I
> couldn't, it was built to spec and didn't exist. However I did know that
> Suhr is probably the best luthier in the world, so I trusted him. All
> the gear is based on CAD designs that are a result of solid engineering
> and knowledge, thoroughly soak tested, measured against my
> specifications and finally checked for the correct tone.[/QUOTE
> You might want to qualify the greatest luthier comment. Steel string
> and electric guitars are different animals as are clasical guitars and
> he may be a fine luthier, but he is unknown as a clasical guitar maker.
> Steel string and electric makers generally make terrible classical
> guitars.
> there is no single greatest maker, we are in a golden age of clasical
> guitar making and there are many fine makers. One of the most famous is
> Mathias Damman. he makes a double top.( nomex is sandwiched betwen 2
> very thin tops to produce a very loud guitar) Many of the most famous
> guitarists play his instrument: Grammy winner David Russel, Manuel
> Barrueco, Pepe Romero to name a few. Mathias makes only 12 guitars a
> year and has a 12 year wait list. 
> 20,000. On the open market the asking price is 42,000.
> There are other fine makers like Thomas Fredholm, Sweden at 8,000
> Smallman of Australia and redgate and Humphrey etc.
> I could go on, but not one great maker uses CAD or anyting like that.
> They build by ear, using tap tones , adjusting bracing etc. It is an
> art that cannot be fully measured.
> I have been a clasical guitarist for 30 years ad I have owned and
> played most of the best makers...................I too have ordered a
> guitar, but I try to avoid that, I didn't like it...........
> I wouldn't ask someone to marry me I hadn't met either.........even 
> though a guitar purchase is far more important:-)

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