Triggaaar;164952 Wrote: 
> I'm now more confused than I started.Sorry about that.

Triggaaar;164952 Wrote: 
> So Patrick is saying that reducing the digital volume will NOT take out
> information from the original signal, just slightly reduce the SNR.Yes - 
> providing the input signal is 16 bit audio and you don't go lower
than (IIRC) -35dB.
Triggaaar;164952 Wrote: 
> And Patrick is saying that even if you leave the volume at 100, you will
> lose original resolution of the 16 bits if you have a 20 bit DAC (as you
> are sending it a 24 bit signal).No, I'm not saying that!  At 100, the digits 
> will be passed through
untouched, it's only if you reduce volume you can loose resolution.

Triggaaar;164952 Wrote: 
> The one bit that does seem clear, is that digitally reducing the
> volume, prior to converting to anologue, reduces the SNR.Almost everything 
> you do to an analogue signal reduces its SNR too, so
what I'm trying to say is that digital volume control vs analogue
volume control is something of a trade-off.

Patrick Dixon
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