Eric Carroll;184145 Wrote: 
> All bit sychronous systems carry clocks that are recovered on the other
> side unless you deal in seperately distributed clocking.
> So on average consumer TOSLINK, sure, there is a bit of slip
> potentially, if you have clock drift, and if you don't attend to that
> issue in your circuit design. But clock recovery is also well
> understood and easily incorporated for equipment that cares (and at
> audiophile prices it sure better care).
> But clock distribution architecture is not a distinguisher to coax vs.
> optical. 
> It may be an arguement potentially for not using S/PDIF (coax or
> optical) without a seperate clocking system. But now we just shifted
> the discussion to BER and audibility of that, which I was not speaking
> to. I was addressing the question of whether optical is inferior to
> coax by default.

There are problems specific to TOSLINK that have nothing to do with
BER. Google on "TOSLINK jitter" or read this for a starter:

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)
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