Eric Carroll wrote:
> Olav Sunde;184908 Wrote: 
>> I've finally managed to do the comparison! 
> This is great work and much appreciated.
> This sure looks like it worked to me.
> I think it tells us two things:
> - WMP10 really does successfully decode HDCD
> - some HDCDs really don't use all the features.
> I wonder what the 244KB difference in file size is? Did you have to
> start and stop the NAD recording by hand, I wonder? 
I started and stopped the NAD player by hand and did not edit the file 
> Now, the next question is of course if the HDCD vs non-HDCD are
> *audibly* different with matched levels.
Comparing the Cronotron and the EAC rip I can hear the difference 
clearly. The Cronotron WAV sounds more relaxed, but also more dynamic to me.

> I have the sampler on order so I can reproduce your results, as it
> appears the HDCD I have does not use all the features.

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