Skunk;185561 Wrote: 
> Apparently 15 pages is how long it takes to rediscover the wheel in
> this case :-)

Sometimes never !!! Not only in this thread, but in a couple of others
have I posted something which was completely ignored. If I am lucky it
might crop up several posts later in the same thread or in a new thread
as an entirely new discovery.

Eric Carroll;185451 Wrote: 
> Hm, did I claim this was an experiment? 

to quote you - sheesh what a tough crowd :)

You had previously asked:

Eric Carroll;185053 Wrote: 
> Can you help us understand what your concern is here? Have we missed
> something?

I was simply trying to explain my concern using an analogy. Whether you
call it an experiment or not is a semantic argument. I wanted to be able
to distinguish between actual HDCD musical information being gained
using the process, and artefacts introduced by the entire chain of

Here is another suggestion. 

Take an HDCD track:
1) Carry out an EAC rip of this - call it file A.
2) Write it to a CD twice. 
(i) The first time, as is - without any modification(call it track 1)
(ii) The 2nd time, with a slight change in the volume e.g. decrease by
5% or some suitable percent(call it track 2).
3) Rip track 1 (call it file B) and track 2 (call it track C) using
Olav's method with WMP and the Chronotron plugin. HDCD information
should be present in Track B, while it should have been destroyed in
Track C because it is no longer bit perfect.
4) Recompensate the decreased sound in track C - call it track D.

Now compare all the tracks A, B and D.

If tracks A and D have the same musical content (or sound quality)
while track B has increased musical content (better sound?) then we can
say that the additional HDCD information has been recovered - else it is
an artefact introduced by the process.

Am I making sense?

Eric Carroll;185451 Wrote: 
> In the meantime I think Olav has nailed it...

I hope you are right though and I do hope Olav has nailed it. It's not
that I don't want to be able to extract HDCDs in the digital domain -
in fact I had started a thread about that in 2005 expressly for that

Unfortunately not too many people seemed interested in it at that time,
and after suggesting a possible solution, the thread seemed to die dowm.

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