Hi guys,

Been dreaming this in my head for the last few days. I'm going to build
a Super Squeezebox rivaling the Transporter in overall performance with
looks to match.

For his purpose, I've just purchased a SB2 via eBay that will be modded
and then transplanted to a custom made audiophile grade enclosure to
match my other components. The enclosure will feature a thick brushed
aluminum front panel.

There's the option of having a the linear power supply incorporated
(and properly shielded) inside the enclosure or using a separate box.

For my present SB3 setup, I've been using a Power One HB5-3/OVP-A based
DIY power supply with excellent results. See:

For the Super Squeezebox, I will be using a larger Condor MD5-12-OV-A
medical grade linear supply. This unit is rated at 12 amps, which
sounds like overkill, but for the Super SB nothing less will do :-)

As for the mods on the SB2, I plan to do them on the analog and digital
level. For this purpose, I'm considering Bolder's full mods. However, I
might just do them myself.

Once the Super SB is finished I plan to do comparisions between it's
analog outs and the digital out fed to my Lite Audio DAC60. My present
SB3 will also serve for comparisions as a stock unit.

I think this is going to turn out pretty sweet.

Quite frankly, my current stock SB3 with my custom DIY power supply and
DAC60 sounds pretty sweet as it is. But the adventurous in me is eager
to work on a new project. It will surely keep me busy in the months to

Stay tuned for updates on this "Super SB"



SB3 with Custom Linear Power Supply
Lite Audio DAC-60 Tube DAC
VPI Scout with Benz Micro Glider M2
Audio Research PH3, SP16L and VS110
Vandersteen 2Ce signatures, 2W subwoofer.
crooner's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3379
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=34291

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