adamslim;194885 Wrote: 
> Opaqueice, you have taken a lot of time here to 'prove' that CD is
> inherently superior to vinyl, when about ten seconds of listening will
> demonstrate quite vividly the opposite.  I had a mid-fi turntable setup
> (an Elite Rock), which comfortably outperformed all CD players I could
> come close to affording.
> It's not subtle, doesn't require DBX but can be difficult to explain
> why.  I agree that trying to come to some rational explanation is an
> interesting discourse, but for god's sake, man, listen to the music!

I'm not trying to prove anything.  This argument demonstrates that the
theoretical maximum information capacity of vinyl is below that of a
CD, but that doesn't say much about any particular example.  As cliveb
emphasized earlier, differences in mastering are in any case probably
the largest effect. 

I've listened to a fair amount of vinyl, although mostly on 80's era
mid-fi equipment, and I've heard a few more up-to-date fancy audiophile
setups.  To me, it doesn't sound better, although I wouldn't say worse
either - just different.  I don't like the audible noise, and digital
is far more convenient, so that settles it for me. 

Sadly, DBX is relatively useless here, since the surface noise on an LP
always makes it obvious which is which.  Still, it might be interesting
to record an LP at CD quality, and then attempt to DBX that CD versus
the original.  This would have to be done pretty carefully, but the
results might be interesting - if vinyl really is superior, it would be
easily distinguishable and sound better.

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