Hi the "Measure guy" from AUDIO DATA LAB was here today + many other
Many of my friends is very interested in this.
I will get the result of the Measure at Monday. 

We run Pinknoise "S_pinknoise_20_-6dBfs.flac" from sweeps.zip
downloaded from "Inguz"
Measure from the analog outputs from my DAC (Musical Fidelity X-dAC V3)

We did 4 Measures, 2 "Goodsound" and 2 "Not so good sound"

The measure guy said this is a quite simple measure, And maybe not
showing anything.
This "Fenomenia" is maybe some "phase" or overtone thing.?

But soon we know?!

yesterday daniel a friend of mine was visiting me, but he had more
difficult hearing "The PAUSE thing"
He said - "maybe?! "Some volume increase" or "something" but i´m not

But Stefan and "Hammer65" were here during the measure.
They both heard the "The Better sound" Easy.

We all also heard "The change" if we played
"S_pinknoise_20_-6dBfs.flac" out on the speakers and did the "PAUSE

-Phil Leigh

Thanks for the tip, 
I have tried "resume after power off", but it seems to give the same
result but not always?. (I Only run a qick test this evening)
i will try this more later in the weeked.

Can you try installing slimserver version SlimServer_v6.5.2.exe ?
And see if you hear something.

I have downgraded to 6.5.0 but i can´t listen this evening..
Reporting more about this later.


I maybe try audiodiffmaker later, 
Thanks for the tip !!

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)

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