All right, DB or even SB testing isnt going to be anywhere close to easy
to set up for me. But I did use my daughter to choose between FLAC and
WAV on the puter...its upstairs while I was listening to tracks
downstairs. These were my results.

Indian Woman by Brent Alan. Vocal and 1 acoustic guitar. Very easy to
hear the difference on this track. Scored 9 out of 10 correctly, and
missed the one right at the beginning. FLAC is more two dimensional,
and the voice has less extension...its sounds thinner. 

Luka by Suzanne Vega. A bit more complex, but well recorded. 8 out of
10. Still easy to hear differences in the depth of the music. That was
what I cued on. 

Whole Lotta Love by Led Zep. Thought I would try this to see what
happens with rock n roll. Not good, 6 out of 10. There was nothing I
could reliably cue on to hear the differences. 

I used the SB3 into the Audio Magic Kukama DAC w the Illusions 4D
digital cable, and the Bolder modified ELPAC power supply. 

No time to do the SB as a stand alone player. I will ty to do that next
month some time. 

Why there are differneces I am not sure. But I do know what I hear. In
the past there have always been products that measured close and yet
still sounded different. Digital cables are a good example. Since the
music is still in bits, there should be minimal differences between
cables. Yet they do sound markedly different. But in the end, I still
find that I prefer uncompressed WAV through the SB in my system.

Mister Pig

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