Phil Leigh;228960 Wrote: 
> The theory - and it is pure speculation backed up by no facts at the
> moment - is that somehow even though the bitstreams are provably
> identical something is different when decoding FLAC vs WAV.

Sorry, but I gotta call BS on that.  I think the only real signal loss
for some of this stuff is between the auditory nerve and the auditory
cortex. :)

For those that would suggest the digital path sounds different then
basically you're suggesting that something is causing signal errors
when decoding flac?  

And if the analog path sounds different then it sounds like your DAC is
faulty.  Input of the same bitstream to a DAC (and the bitstream is
provably the same) will cause the same output.  

Maybe I need to get out of this audiophile forum - I can't turn off the
engineer side of my brain enough to drink the kool-aid. :)

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