Sounds like a great question :)

The Impulse_Response_Measured doesn't take account of the microphone
calibration file.  It's just the measurement.

But the _TestConvolution files do.  They're the result of processing
Impulse_Response_Measured with the DRC correction filter - they should
pretty much reflect the filter's target curve and the mic cal curve.

So I ran a little experiment.  I set "CrazyMicCal.txt" to this (plus
some intermediate points):
100.00 -20
110.00 0
5010.00 0
5020.00 -20

and the result below (octave smoothed): green is the
Measured_Impulse_Response, purple is Normal_TestConvolution.  This is
actually the opposite of what I'd expected; I thought the mic
calibration was the measured response of the microphone, but instead
it's the inverse (i.e. the mic response is not 20dB down at 5020Hz,
it's 20dB *up*).

|Filename: crazymiccal.jpg                                          |

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