please read ....this explains it far better than I can.

As in all walks of life there are people who will try to make a fast
buck.  Look at all the so called hi end cables available for a few
dollars on ebay. This is the opposite end of the market where extremely
cheap cables are being passed off as good ones.

If your uncertain about cables and are able to make four solder
connections look up the recipies I've placed in the DIY section. These
are cheap [for the most part] and easy to build. Once you have built
your own cheap cable [that has a performance of a $100 cable] you can
then decide if cables have any effect....if not this only tells you

the cable your using has no effect in that system
you can't hear the effect the cables having
the systems resolution is to low to and therefore the system is masking
any changes.

this of course goes for any cable if you can't hear the effects the
only thing it means is that you can't hear the effects. You can't
extrapolate the results to all cables or make any other

Its easy to make two cables that are exactly the same and then make one
sound different...all you do is add a capacitor and a resistor in series
across the signal and ground of the cable...transparent do this  if you
have ever wondered whats inside the little box.  

Just because I'm writing this does not mean I'm trying to convince you
either way nor am I bothered if you can or can't hear any
differences...its no skin off my nose. I was also a none believer for
the first ten years in the hobby, it was only after hearing the
inclusion of a top audioquest cable against the freebies I was using
that made me realise quite how much music they were emasculating. 

My problem was I could never afford the inflated prices ..even $100 was
more than I could afford....that was when I decided to see if I could
make a cable that was better than the freebie types the rest is history
[25 years].  Its rare that I find a system that does not respond to a
"good" cable [note not "expensive"]. There are components that are
immune to the effect  thought this is due more often  to the connection
regime [plug type]causesing rather more strangulation of the signal than
any positive effect the cable can make.

A recent example of this ....

I was asked to fit a set of rca sockets to a naim cdx  to allow the
owner to run a set of rca-rca cables to his pre rather than using an
adaptor to convert the din5 to rca. Once fitted the cable was swapped
back to the din5 and then to rca was abundantly clear
that the din5 and adaptor was taking away a huge chunk of the music
information.  As an experiment we used a very good ic cable and his
stock cable, first both were listened to on the din5/adaptor...there
was little to no difference. Then we did the same on the new rca
sockets, it was obvious the two cables were very different,one being
markedly superior. So much so he purchased my silver gold cable.

If you want to check  pm Artist on


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables
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