)p(;253703 Wrote: 
> Don't put the opinions like a fact. For example to my ears the
> Tact/Lyngdorf amps are the most accurate AND musical amps I ever heard.
> Peter

Well this is and intirely different discusion , and remember i still
owen the millennium mk3 in full moddified version wich is a  kind a of 
special amp sounding very tube like.

Some do not like musical sound or know what  the word musical exactly
means or feels.

I have owened 3 different  lyngdorf amps one with roomperfect  i ones
beleived the where musical  becaue i thourgt the sounded pretty good ,
but ones i started listning to other amps i realized have much the
distord the essence of the music , its like the music is  being sliced
and  dized through a digital filter of some sort, lacking bandtwidth ,
imaged deepth and having very littel dynamic headroom, some music
actually sounded distorded.

And beleive me i have played around with them  for years .

2 weeks ago I and a  friend of mine was demoing the flagship speakers
from zingali  , he had his tact millennium mk3 with him wich he  liked
the sound of,  he is very thick headed  with this amp , and do not
beleive in mods  or that there are eny better amps ou there.
But   the sound that came out of the zingali spekakers where bright ,
thin and having almost zero PRAT or bass dynamics .
The sound where so analytical and digital sounding every one agreed 
and my friend where chocked.
Then we heard the same  speakers with a unison research  integrated amp
costing 3 times less  ,    and  the millennium simply got godsmacked in
every way, and my friend 
have now the tact amp up for sale and  are buying the unison.

The tact amps do have a kind of transperant sound wich i liked,  
The linn amps are just way more   transperant but amazingly ,have so
much more boogie  to them , dynamics ,PRAT , and slam at the same time
, and also have amazing imaged deepth.

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