Kurt;253931 Wrote: 
> Apparently the Transporter is too accurate.  Time to crank out the Pop,
> Click, and Hiss Generator I built when I got my first CD player in '83.
> ;-)

Naa  nothing wrong with being akurate  .

I dont thing that its so simple that what mesasures good sounds bad or
what sounds good must measure akurate.

If you line up all the different digital hifi sources on the marked to
day it would be  pretty damm long line.
besides that , you will see that all manufactores new and old  take a
different path to the analog outputs.
The big boys in digital sources  DCS. Esoteric, Wadia, krell,linn and
the hundreds others each use different teknologi.
We are not just talking diffrent dacs, or powers suplys  , transport
systems  but intirely different output stages,and desigens.
all  companys  beleive that there way of doing it is the best or good
Surly there must be more to the equation then what measures best equals
best sound.

What would you rather do  buy what sound sbest or what you can tell
others and youself by some kind of standard measures best ?

In this buisness  i have lost count have many times i have been over
fused with tech talk  by  some wild hair greasy glasses type  have this
patucular  excotic piece of audio is the best simply there is simply
becaue of have it measured.
Problem offen where that that where pretty much the only thing that was
apealing about the product.

The slim products  are ground braking  not becaue the are the absolot
best sounding in the world but  becaue of have nice the are  as a  tool
for music playback.
It really is almost to good to be true , no matter have great somthing
sounds  having it all at your finger tips is actually more important to
most people i think.

What i love about the linn  filosofi  is if it sounds better its better
if not its not better.

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