tomjtx;267543 Wrote: 
> I auditioned a full blown bolder SB and a modded TP in my home for
> several weeks each  doing careful, level matched comparisons. So at
> least some making comments have heard the other gear :-)
> I stayed with the stock TP. The other gear was not an improvement to my
> ears.
> I haven't heard the Modwright . Dan has a great rep and I suspect it
> sounds quite good. Whether or not one prefers it to the stock would
> likely boil down to personal preference.

and the willingness to consume 4000 in credit or cash.....


Reference3A RoyalMaster monitors biwired with van den Hul Inspiration,
REL Strata5. AMPS: Pathos Classic One MKIII's in mono config. ANALOGUE:
Clearaudio Ambient CMB, Satisfy Carbon & Lyra Helikon SL, ASR MiniBasis
SQ preamp, link: WireWorld SilverEclipse 5.2. DIGITAL: SlimDevices
Transporter, link: AcousticZen Silver Reference2 XLR’s. POWER: Isotek
MiniSub GII, Isotek Elite cables (MiniSub, Rel), Siltech SPX30 MKII
(Transporter), van den Hul Mainstream (Pathos) & van den Hul Mainserver
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