Nonreality;326145 Wrote: 
> I'm sorry and don't take this wrong, but what a bunch of bull.  Speakers
> can make a huge difference but not in the way you're saying.  It's the
> way the album was mixed that creates the emotional impact not the
> speaker.  Yeah the speaker can have a bit to do with this but not to
> the point that you are saying.  If they did they would not be in
> business.  If this was the case it would not effect every type of music
> either.  It couldn't.  This is the stuff they use to sell speakers to
> the believers.

Speakers play a big part in conveying the emotion 
Part of the emotion an Audiophile feels is the "rightness" of
reproduction he feels, on a technical level,  when music is played.
You have to understand that even small flaws sometimes can't be looked
past by an audiophile , so to say that only the mix is important wont
hold true to them or their expectations of the "musical experience"
that conveys to THEM the emotion....


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
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