Nonreality;329179 Wrote: 
> I think that it's the air describes it rather well.  JMHO but out of
> everyone that absolutely can hear a difference, it's really 1 out of a
> 1000 that can.  Both imagination and ego are hard to control or admit. 
> But I will give you that there are some that can and they are the ones
> to get to know.  They can set your system up and you'll get good deals
> on equipment as they try to get something that sounds perfect to their
> ears.I think that rather 1 out of 100 care to listen to music carefully
enough to hear the difference. And some of them don't have the adequate
equipment to do so (hifi costs a little). But they all can hear the
difference. My wife and children do, but they don't usually bother to
notice it. :)


SB3 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus
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