ralphpnj;329887 Wrote: 
> I really do understand where you're coming from so far as being called
> names and being told what you can and cannot say since if the shoe were
> on the other foot, I seriously doubt that my responses would be anywhere
> near as civil as yours have been to me and I thank you for that. Now I
> only hope that I can clear the air so that we can continue to coexist
> on this forum and, who knows, maybe even become friends.
> So to answer some of questions I've placed your two "offending" post
> below with what my reaction is/was to them.
> I have no problem with the "air" it's when you start to put numbers on
> the amount of people who actually can or cannot hear the difference
> between an mp3 file and the original CD versus the number of people who
> claim to hear a difference. No, you actually didn't say anything "bad"
> but you implied that many so called audiophiles are pretty much full of
> it. However that wasn't enough for then you, again quite subtly, took a
> swipe at the audiophiles for their equipment upgrading habits.
> I know plenty of audiophiles who can and do hold onto equipment for
> many years. I've had my Linn LP12 turntable for well over 20 years and
> it will probably be the last turntable that I own. Some of other
> equipment may change for several different reasons: new and improved
> technology, higher income level or a deal just too good to pass up to
> name but a few. How is this behavior different from buying a new watch?
> Another very clever statement which does not actually say anything
> offensive but implies a great deal. By air, do you mean "hot air"? As
> in, this place is full of hot air. And exactly what kinds of "crazy
> stuff" are you referring to?
> Granted, all in all, neither post nor even both posts taken together
> are all that derisive and I apologize for my thin skin. I hope that
> I've shown you what I meant by the subtleness of your remarks.
> Troll, as per Wikipedia:
> So what do you think, were you acting like a troll?

I guess that having a little fun with the way a lot of people describe
differences in why something sounds better is my main crime.  I've
always found that using intangibles that no one can refute is a bit of
a funny way to prove something is better.  Instead of calling it BS I
just had a bit of fun with it.  My post about audiophiles being good to
know was not an insult at all.  I have 2 friends like that and I have
gotten some great deals from them as the pursue their hobby.  I think
that you will find this with most people that are really into
something...golf, tennis cars.  They do tend to upgrade more than most
people. To the best of my knowledge this is true.  I was not just
throwing it out there to piss anyone, let alone you, off. I would like
to know something.  If it would have been an audiophile that had the
same bit of fun at the slight expense of a non audiophile, would you
have went after them like you did me?   As far as the Troll thing goes,
I guess that is your interpretation no matter what I say.  At least now
I've learned some things.  No humor if it involves an audiophile idea
in a less than perfect light.  No controversy unless it supports your
audiophile viewpoint. So at least now I do know if I decide to post
here again.  It seems like many people are afraid to post in the
audiophile forum but until now I had a lot of fun with many of the
people here.  I now see why so many feel that way.



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