ralphpnj;329781 Wrote: 
> Funny even your "who me?" response contains a very strong whiff of
> troll. However, since I really do believe that you do not mean harm
> I'll do my best to try and patch things up, so to speak.
> First, I've seen many of your other posts here on the Slim Devices
> forum and, as you state, you very often to provide helpful and
> informative information and in general, you are a very worthwhile
> member of this forum.
> Second, I don't mind being "tweaked" when the "tweaking" has a basis in
> reality but I do take offense when the "tweaking" is just wrong. For
> example, were this discussion about power cords and you subtly implied
> that kilo-buck power cords were akin to snake oil, I won't have a
> problem since, other than via subjective listening tests, the worth of
> expensive power cords has not been shown. On the hand, when it comes to
> lossy compression versus lossless compression the worth of lossless
> compression as been clearly shown, both via controlled listening tests
> and scientific fact, so therefore, I have a problem with the
> "tweaking".
> You may not want to believe it but even within the wacky field of
> audiophilia there are many things which can be proven (via controlled
> listening tests and scientific facts) along the many things that may
> never be proven. What it appears to me that you are doing is treating
> all things audiophile as just so much snake oil and taking your pot
> shots without regard to the science that may prove the audiophiles
> right and you wrong.
> All I ask is that when the facts show that the golden eared audiophiles
> may, indeed, be correct that you respect those facts and keep the
> sniping down to a minimum.Ok I am getting tired of being told what I can say 
> and what I can't
since I don't believe that I've done as you say.  I've never said the
compressed is better.  I've said that for most people it can be as
good.  Maybe you should look at those studies that you allude to.  Part
of what I've said is that there isn't as many "golden eared audiophiles"
as there would appear to be if you believed everyone.  If you have read
my posts I almost always say that I do know that some are.  Also if you
read my post on mp3's @ 320 being better it was not my original post all
I had said is that there was some interesting stuff there.  Things that
could be talked about and not just slammed.  I think this must be what
set you off on your rant on me.  It would be nice if you would give
some examples of where I went wrong with you because I haven't had a
problem with anyone else here.  I'm always willing to talk and admit
when I'm wrong but just to be told how to post and that I'm ignoring
science does bother me.  Oh and tell me again what a troll is because
I'm getting real sick of you calling me one.



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