Phil Leigh;347453 Wrote: 
> Computers are my job too! :o)Cool ! A colleague ! <3

Phil Leigh;347453 Wrote: 
> When you say it stores lossy information, do you mean that the ADC has
> lost information?
> What I am saying is that a good ADC or DAC will not lose any
> significant information. There are several well-documented tests where
> this has been examined. Most people - maybe everybody, but that is hard
> to test! - cannot hear an ADC/DAC inserted into the replay chain of an
> otherwise "analogue" signal path.Yes, that's what I meant, sorry if it wasn't 
> clear (my English certainly
needs more improvement that my dac !). :D

In fact, I agree with the theory of quantification about the
psycho-acoustic effects of sample rates. There are two main problems,
though, that the authors have disregarded, and that (later on) we found
out that they were rather important : 
The first is that both the A/D and D/A parts use approximation
algorithms. What they store (and try to reproduce) is an tangential
value of the signal, not the instant signal value itself (correct me if
I'm wrong). 
The second is the time-related errors. The theory supposes that time
error is not significant. But, we found out later on, that it was. And,
at the moment, we try to minimize this error. But we are cannot test nor
verify time integrity on recorded signal. What we can only hear (well I
admit, not all the time, and not all of us either, because a lot don't
listen to music but just hear it) is a kind of "digital distortion",
some call it "harshness" some call it "brightness", other definitions
may apply.

To come back to theory, what I'm actually afraid of is that one day
another brilliant theory will arise, saying that we can quantify,
record and store music in a on-purpose-lossy way (say MPEG25) and will
equally prove (with a respectful panel of listeners) that MOST people
don't hear the difference.
Let's not forget that the "digital" revolution was decided for economic
reasons : sound fidelity was simply a can-have, not a must-have.


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