Themis wrote:
> The first is that both the A/D and D/A parts use approximation
> algorithms. What they store (and try to reproduce) is an tangential
> value of the signal, not the instant signal value itself (correct me if
> I'm wrong). 

You are wrong. a ADC quantifies the amplitude of the signal at the
processing time. They do not record the tangent or any derivitave.

> The second is the time-related errors.

Timing is critical, but I've not seen any evidence that an ADC is not
accurate with regard to timing (really phase here).

Most, if not all, of the so called digital distortion is either
quantification errors, or, and most likely, the result of the brutal
anti-aliasing filters in the analogue chain before the ADC sees the signal.

But this thread seems to be more theology than reality.

Pat Farrell

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