cliveb wrote:
> Good turntables are not cheap. You'll get better quality for your money
[other great stuff elided]

One more point, the conversion takes a long time. I used a very good 
turntable with a new cartridge (the rubber in the support mechanism 
tends to die because of ozone in the air, etc.) into pro-audio ADC. I 
was happy with the sound, but not how long it took.

After cleaning the record and "needle" I'd record it. If  I was lucky, 
I'd have the right gain staging and have no clipping (the only real 
reason for recording at 24bit sample width, IMHO). Then I'd have to 
listen to the recording, and split the side into tunes, name the tunes, 
and save the file down to redbook standards.

So a 45 minute LP would take about three hours. I decided that if the 
album was available in CD for under $10, it was better use of my time 
and money to just buy the CD.

Clearly for out of print stuff, and I have a fair amount of that, you 
have to do the transfer

Pat Farrell

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