marcoc1712;494273 Wrote: 
> So, the "unified" statement resulting from the discussion could sound
> like:
> "Playng FLAC converted to WAV and WAV files, SB operate in different
> ways at least regarding the FF/REW options, depending on the file type.
> From the tech point of view, those differences should not affecting the
> sound at all , in fact some measure taken at the ouptut stage, confirm
> no or very little differences, out of the audible range, indeed someone
> claim to ear some difference in the sound".
> Could we agree on that form?
> If Yes, ok, is quite different to me than "IS EXACTLY THE SAME" and "IS
> EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR BRAIN" (that still think is true at 99%!!!), and
> my original question make sense (at least to me), so please, could you
> report your listening opinion? 
> Thanks.
> Marco

Hi Marco. Interesting discussion (and I agree that there is potential
for differences when the playback chain is not identical, as in the
potential software or hardware conversion going on here). I'd agree with
your statement above if we could say instead that "someone reported the
results of 10 trials in a blind ABX listening and was able to detect
differences in the SB playing a FLAC vs WAV file."

But I'm not sure this is actually the case here. Maybe I missed it in
an earlier post, but it has never been clear to me if you've done any
sort of blind testing (ABX or not) to insure unintended biases are not
sneaking in to your perceptions.  Many people that swear they detect
differences in playback discover that they can't do any better than
random in blind ABX tests.

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