On 20/01/10 05:01, audiomuze wrote:
> Robin Bowes;508337 Wrote: 
>> flac2mp3 does indeed make an mp3 copy of flac files, also copying the
>> tags. It is intelligent enough to only transcode if the audio data has
>> changed and can update tags without transcoding the audio.
>>  Robin, I've used flac2mp3 for a long time now and find it to be an
> excellent tool (thanks for making it available).  I generally treat mp3
> like one would disposable diapers - turf them when done rather than keep
> a library lying around, so multi threaded encoding would be really handy
> for generating new mp3.  Any plans make it multi-threaded to speed up
> the encoding process?

It already is multi-threaded on most platforms (not windows):

    --processes=n    Launch n parallel transcoding processes.
                     Use with multi-core CPUs.
                     Default: 1

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