nonnoroger;510512 Wrote: 
> When I started this thread it was to ask for views on whether to buy a
> TP or wait for the Touch.
> It has become another S/Pdif discussion (with some Naim vs Linn stuff
> thrown in).
> But how do the analog outputs of these compare - with each other (and
> the Naim DAC if you know)? There is more to say about a DAC then if and
> how it has to deal with S/Pdif.
> Roger

Apologies for being OT but some people see problems where they don't

Sound quality is in the eye, well ear of the beholder.  So for context,
I historically used a Cyrus CD7Q CD player.  This was well respected in
the UK, with its special balanced Burr Brown Dacs.  The sound from this
was very detailed, fine nuances being extracted, but not in a tiring
digital way.

I acquired an early SB3, highly convenient for playing music, pleasant
but not inspiring, lack of clarity in the highs, and light baselines.  I
added a Lavry DA10 after listening to it, and a Benchmark.  Both were a
massive improvement, bass fixed and lots more detail, more than my CD
player.  The Benchmark I thought was a little too bright, so went with
the Lavry.  Still use it.

I then looked to simplify my HiFi listening environment.  Part One, the
streaming source.  The Transporter was not for me (too long in tooth,
uncertain future support).  I really wanted to get less boxes.  External
DAC out then, that only left Linn as an option as I wanted to retain
Squeezebox Server for other SB3s and Booms in house.

Listening to Linn gear, all seemed good, maybe the Sneaky DS not quite
up to my Lavry, the others were all better, especially on the detail
retrieval.  Not tiring or in you face, just good clarity.  But then we
have the cost issues.   I bought the Majik DS, it is better than any
source device I have ever had.  Is it better than a Transporter, I don't
know, many forums will tell you different but extreme views.  I don't
care it fulfills my needs for now and for the foreseeable future. 
Expectation is that the Naim DAC wound sound as good probably better
than the Majik.    Their attention to design details that matter is
extreme. I am sure others will comment.  If I were buying now, I could
and would compare Naim to Linn at my local dealer.

The only deficiency I have is Internet Radio, Skweezy DS can only
handle MP3 radio streams today.

I am happy, I needed Squeezebox Server and I have a one box HiFI
Squeeze solution.


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